Wednesday, June 22, 2011

pioneer dress

here is where I am at with my pioneer dress.

this is the green print.  and I still need to do the apron, but should be done before saturday.

still needs it buttons, and the hem is pressed and pinned, but it will be finished tonight, and get the apron cutout and maybe partly stitched.

I am cheating......  using a serger as much as possible,  instead of hand sewing if possible. 


  1. Looks great!
    Will there be people checking your seams?

  2. he, he, michelle, no, no one will be checking,

  3. ...I also cheat when it is possible! It is quicker and neater (with the serger). It is coming along nicely!

  4. Thanks Karrieann, it was rather fun sewing again, no kids at home, so don't do much more then patching.

  5. Three words have I:
    Serging seems sensible.

    So there.
    Fox : )

  6. Color me impressed!

  7. I LOVE THE FIRST COMMENT! ha ha ha! Good reminder not to be so hard on ourselves! The dress is WONDERFUL! I went and demonstrated tatting yesterday and there was a beautiful child's dress on display at the art center we demonstrated at and the it was an artist's rendition of what she thought a child's fancy dress during pioneer times would be. It's not pioneer dress. But a fancy one and it is gorgeous! I posted a pic of it on my recent post! Anyway it is good to visit with you for a minute!
    ~TattingChic ♥

  8. Welcome back Chic, I missed you. thanks for your comments, come back soon.


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