
Meandering Path

Contact me at the email in my profile for the patterns shown on this page.  I no longer have a keepnshare account. 
I will email you any of the patterns that you need, simply go to my profile and send me an email. 

click on the graphic to enlarge and print

Threes Snowflake

click to enlarge and print

Incipient Snowflake
 email me

click to enlarge and print

Orchid Earrings

click here for the pattern in PDF 

click to enlarge and print

in Size 50 they are 1/2"wide and 1/2" long not counting the findings

Email me for the pattern, if the link below doesn't work. my email address is in my profile.

 Graphic for 3-D Tatted Bell
Left click to enlarge and print
The clapper is a short lock stitch chain with a couple large beads and a small bell on it for weight. 

 Daisy & Butterfly Bookmark

Email me for this pattern if the link below doesn't work.

If the picture looks familiar,  Fox kindly allowed me to use this picture from her blog, as I forgot to take a picture of this before sending it to her.  Thanks Fox!


  1. The bookmark is very pretty and the colors are so vibrant! Great job...

  2. The Threes snowflake is one of my is so simple yet elegant.....Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am sorry that you are having difficulties. Please contact me at the email address in my profile and I will send them to you directly.

  4. Hi Rebecca, if you contact me through the email in my profile, I can send the pattern to you. I am no longer using an online file sharing site. I need to update this page to reflect that, sorry.


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