Monday, August 20, 2012

trying again

I have not heard from Anke, so I went back to my original post and looked at the comments again.

these are the following commenters that mentioned they would like to try the thread and I can find a way to contact them
1. Lace Loving Librarian ~ Diane
2. Suztats
3. Shirlee
4. Michelle Quan

 Congratulations Shirlee.
Thank you to all who left comments, and were patient while I worked through trying to get a hold of the possible winners.

I still think I have a ball of varigated green in the same size by Omega,  If I locate it, I will be giving that away as well.


  1. I'm so sorry you had such a rough time finding a winner but I'm glad it finally turned out to be me : ) I received your email & have sent you my mailing address. Thanks so much for holding this giveaway : )

  2. Congratulations, Shirlee! I look forward to seeing what you create with the thread!


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