Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tatting, Palmetto Tatters, and Taco Johns

Our local radio station has run a morning trivia contest at 6:40 am for the past 2+ yrs so far every question has been answered but some have taken a while for someone to come up with the correct answer. Many winners have admitted to googling the answers to the questions. 
The prize is always breakfast at a local restaurant or tickets to a local event. 
I have never called in before because we live 30 miles west of the town.
This mornings question was.... "What is the Palmetto State?"
I knew that one. 
I waited and there was several long pauses the dj's had to fill and only 2 callers tried.  I called in and said " South Carolina"  the dj asked if I had googled it and I stated, "No, I have been there, to the Palmetto Tatters group"  he asked, "What's that?",  and I explained.  He was interested, so I got Tatting on the radio this a.m.

I will be interested to see what constitutes breakfast at Taco Johns.


  1. Wow good for you!
    Congratulations on the breakfast, I think!!!

  2. What fun! - so Tatting is literally taking you to new places......

  3. Fun!! Have a good time at Taco Johns :o)
    I had a "taco joe" the other day, but I doubt they sell those at Taco Johns. :o)

  4. Love it! See, your trip to South Carolina was educational, and you, in turn, have educated the DJ and the other listeners.

    Don't any of the TV stations do trivia contests? You could demo tatting on the air!!

  5. Sure wish I had heard THAT conversation! Great 'plug' for the Palmetto tatters! And tatting in general! That should be an interesting breakfast! :)

  6. Ha! What a way to win :) Can't wait to hear what's on the menu . . .

  7. Way to go!
    Keep us posted on what that breakfast is like.

  8. Way to go, getting tatting on the radio! Congratulations!


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