Sunday, March 8, 2009

Award and Tag Free

You may have noticed along the right side, a new button, labeling my blog award and tag free. I really do appreciate your awards, they make me fee good, but I don't always have time to fulfill the requirements of passing it on and then I feel guilty.
So to avoid the guilty feeling, I have decided that I will accept any and all accolades, but will not participate in passing it on.
I post comments on blogs as I read them, and will post a link to something special that I come across.
If you wish to visit the talented lady that made my button please stop by Dame Penniwig's blog.
or click on the button and it will take you there.

It is time change sunday. I can't imagine why the politicians feel that this is a good thing. I didn't like it when we were milking cows - they can't tell human time and only want to be milked on their time clock which goes according to the sun. So, I woke up with a headache that I still have this afternoon. I did too much last night getting ready for my trip and didn't get as much sleep as I should have turning the clock ahead. I couldn't sleep in as with the time change, Mass times change in our parish so I needed to get to 8:30 am Mass. I took a nap this afternoon and that has helped.
Not much tatted lately, but I am working on the rose design challenge of Sharon Brigg's. I may not finish it until I get back from my trip.
Happy Tatting

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