I will be spending my days from Friday morning to Monday Evening at Rollag MN at the Western Steam Threshers Reunion.
We have a blast, lots of good people. Lots of fun. Great Steam Engines, old time tractors and ladies activities.
I will be to spend all 4 days tatting. Yipee!
Here is the website http://rollag.com
In the ladies building, we feature Tatting, bobbin lace, spinning, knitting - by hand, flat machine and circular machine, quilting, rug weaving, caning, natural plant based dyes, and oh so much. My profile picture was taken there last year.
A look at a Gaar Scot tractor, the featured brand this year

Come and have some wonderful fun and oh so many good eats.
There is a steam powered calliope for the kids and lots of other things too.